Discover a future where empty mall spaces turn into bustling retail hubs. Join us in creating vibrant shopping destinations where innovation drives foot traffic and dreams come true.
Transform vacant mall spaces into dynamic retail hubs, blending innovation with high foot traffic to create vibrant, thriving destinations.
Redefine the retail landscape by turning unused spaces into bustling centres where creativity and opportunity thrive.
Core Values
Innovation, Sustainability, Community Engagement, and Excellence
Proven Success in Real Estate and Retail Performance
Quality Real Estate
Cities across India
GMV Facilitated
Sales In Rupees
Operational Space
Operational sq ft
Proven Success in Real Estate and Retail Performance
Quality Real Estate
Cities across India* (10 by Q3 3024)
Customer Engagement
Portfolio Avg PSFPD (INR per sqft revenue per day)
Operational Space
Operational sq ft
Future Expansion
Signed sq ft (under fit out) Operational by end Q3
Our Investors
Our investors drive transformation by funding the evolution of vacant mall spaces into thriving, innovative retail hubs with high returns.
financial Report
Our financial report highlights growth trends, revenue increases, and strategic investments driving sustainable profitability and success.